Keeping busy in June
A lot has happened since I last posted which was in April. Writing a post and uploading pictures seems so tedious to me and I feel I'd rather be doing something with that time. But it is also nice to see what I have done on my blog too.
My son recently celebrate his second birthday and we had a small party for him at our annexe. Everything was homemade except for the marshmallows (which no one ate!)
I made the cake at my mother's with a lot of help from her. I have not baked many cakes and it was only because of her that this came out good. Its a doggy cake and I got the inspiration from this site
I also made some fancy sandwiches taken from one very old Good Housekeeping mag that my amma had. They looked nice but were very tricky to cut and also eat. Will not make again!
I got some thrifted T shirts from our relativey new thrift "shops". These are vendors selling ther goods out on the pavement. At least they used to sell on the pavements but have now been given tyhe rooftop of our biggest parking area-Kandy city centre. Its lovely to just walk around and see lovely material from all over the world. They are not greatly cheap but sometimes you do find some great bargains. I bought several shades of T shirts for just Rs.75 each and made the 90-minute shirt as per instruction by Dana of Made. Thew pants are also from her basic pants tutorial. Istencilled my son's name and age and also a figure of an elephant on the T shirt from stencils I cut out on transprent sheets. All in all think it came out just fine.

I recenntly took part in the dishcloth swap organised by Down to Earth blog and received a lovely dishcloth from Helen Wilson in Tasmania (Between nowhere else and Paradise:
The dishcloth was knit from the softest yarns I have ever touched-bamboo. She also sent me a pack of playing cards and a lovely fragrant soap from Tasmania. Thank you so much Helen, you were a great swap partner and I loved getting your parcel.
Here are some things I have made this year and got immense satisfaction making them.
A curtain for the bedroom. I patched up some coloured pieces of mterial and sewed a strip in the middle. At first I thought it was odd but later on it gave a stained glass effect in the afternoons and it looked nice.